Building nodes - Blender add-on

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The add-on + 5 low poly building styles

This product will get only compatibility bug fixes. The main distribution page is moved to Boosty.

This is a add-on for Blender for procedural generation of buildings. The work of the add-on is similar to panel housing construction. The process is composed of three steps:

  1. Creating Panel. This should be done with standard Blender tools.
  2. Creating building style. There is dedicated for this node tree editor.
  3. Creating base mesh which will be turned into a building. It also should be created with standard Blender modeling tools.

After the steps, a building style can be applied to a base mesh. Instead of base mesh the add-on will create a building. Base mesh and building style can be edited any moment and changes will be applied at once.


Once a building style was created, it can be applied to as many objects as you wish.

Using nodes for creating building styles.

Editing buildings in real time.


  • Ease of usage
  • Achieve the same results with lesser nodes.
  • The work of the add-on nodes is intuitively clearer. The abstraction of the nodes is close to real world objects.
  • No need in learning vector math, different algorithm of mesh processing and data structure of a geometry.

Limitations / Roadmap

Mac OS is not currently supported

  • There are no any tools for roofs modeling.
  • Using Geometry nodes for generating base meshes is currently unsupported.
  • Using Loop cut tool with live update makes Blender to crush. Using edge crease tool also works weird.
  • Custom properties per building and node groups are not supported.
  • Base mesh should consist only of quad polygons.
  • Animation is not supported.

Some of this limitation should be gone in future versions.


Bug reports / Proposals

Example of importing result of the add-on into Sketchfab.

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File with the add-on and file with 5 building styles

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Building nodes - Blender add-on

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